Uses of Bee extractor:

A bee honey extractor is a modern form of centrifuge which is built to extract honey from the bee’s frames without destroying the honey combs.  These bee extractors are constructed with a container that holds the basket of the frame in it. The container works to spin the honey out of their frames with the help of centrifugal force.  The sole usage of honey extractors is to extract the money from the combs without damaging them as they are reused. These extractors are mechanical devices used after the honey has been harvested.

The capacity of one honey extractor depends on the numbers of frames which is hold by the container.  The large container can hold more than hundred frames and a smaller one is able to hold two-frame for honey extraction.  The small extractor is ideal for the hobbyist; in this situation you have the option to use this device manually or with the help of electric power.  The performance of the extractor also depends on the placement of frames in a container.  The types of bee extractor can be categorized into a tangential and radial extractor, depending on how the extractor frames are placed in the bee extractor. honey extractor reviews

In tangential extractors, honey comb are placed in one side of the frame facing outward, and in the radial form of extractors, the frames are placed with the top bar facing outwards.  The radial shape of extractors can give you more benefits where you want to reduce the extraction tasks. In this situation, you do not need to turn over the different sides of the frames to extract the opposite side.  After placing the extracted honey into the comb, the honey bees will automatically cap the entire frame to store the honey. 

The extractors can also use to break and removing the entire cape from the frame then these extractors are placed to extract the honey.  This uncapping task can also perform with the help of electronic un-capper, but you can do manually with the help of warm knife.  The automatic uncapped can be placed in the container of the bee extractor. But, make sure that all the extractors are placed accurately in a right direction. After extraction, a thin layer of honey may be left on the frames which should be removed with the help of hives.


08/03/2014 20:07
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Uses of Bee extractor: